About Me

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Half at the Hamptons Recap

Half At the Hamptons Recap…

There are a couple things I had not considered going into this race.
1.       I have not done a race more than 4 miles since May 2010
2.       I have not ran more 7 at one times since Jan ( I have been having to split up my long runs due to my husband’s schedule)
3.       I have not done a longer race in the winter
4.       I have never done a race as a training run’
5.       I am too competitive to do a race as a training run

These maybe some of the reasons this race sucked for me.  Or the fact is was like 14 degrees with wind gust up to 40 mph ( they did die down a little before the race).  When I got to the  race, it was so cold that I couldn’t feel my face once I walked the tenth of a mile to the hotel where registration was.  I totally freaked myself out waiting for the race to start.  I was seriously considering going home… good thing I am too cheap to forfeit the registration money.  Once the race started at 10am…it was a bit warmer.  The view was great and it was a very well run race.  There was plenty of toilets to use prior to the start and two potty stops along the race.  There was also water stops every 3 miles and they handed out gu/ hammer gels at mile 8. 
Mile 1 9:47
Mile 2 9:30
Mile 3 10:27
Mile 4 11:20 ( took a gu and  some water)
Mile 5 10:48
Mile 6 10:56
Mile 7 10;38
Mile 8 11:04
Mile 9 12:15 ( Took a gu and extend walk break)
Mile 10 11;22
Mile 11 11:58 ( getting discourage I was so off of my goal time
Mile 12  12:22
Mile 13 11:32
The Last .32 10:15 Pace
2;27:01 (chip time)
The course was great with some nice rolling hills that went through some beautiful neighborhoods.  The volunteers were great and there was lots of crowd support.  And my favorite was running the last 4 miles along the beach.  It had the making of a wonderful race but I was not there mentally. 

I decided it instead of getting upset about the race I would use it as a learning experience.  The following things are things that I will look into or change my next half.
1.        Fueling this included prior to the race.  Since the race was later than I normally run I think that I should have eaten more.  I typically have an eggwhite sandwich start running within an hour of the race.  This time I ate at 6:30 and the race did not start till ten
2.       I need to start practice positive talk in general but especially during running
3.       I have always used GUs and they give me some good energy but they cuase me to burp and feel them the whole race .  I need to look into some alternatives.
4.       I need to find some more running partners I hate running alone.

How do you fuel prior and during a race?
What did you learn about in your last race?

The Week ahead…

So I have not being posting my weekly exercise goals because frankly who cares except me!! While I don't think anyone really cares I am going to start doing them again. I like have a record of what I am doing and it keeps me honest. To take the honesty to the next level, I am going to post recaps of the previous week. I sometimes have great intentions but life gets in the way. So here goes the pans for this week


Sunday Half at the Hamptons

Monday : Boot Camp

Tuesday: Three Mile Run

Wednesday: Boot Camp 1 mile warm up 5x 400 1 mile cool down

Thrusday: Three Mile Run

Friday: Boot Camp

Saturday: 3mile tempo run

Sunday: 6 miles


I am trying out a new plan with a new goal in mind more to come later this week.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Starting a running group

I know many people love to run alone and I do at times but I love running with a buddy.  I have been running with my SIL but she is currently pregnant and has not been running as much.  So I decided to try and find a running group.  I tried a local running club but really did not click with any members plus the times of the runs were not convenient.

 So embracing stepping out of my comfort zone, I have decided to set up my own running group.  I am really lost on how to go about it.  I really dont know too many runners in my area ( I guess the point of starting a group).  I have started researching and reaching out to some people but really I am still at square one.  So I thought I would reach out to the blogging world.  I have a few questions...

Have you started a running group?

Live in the area and want find some running buddies?

Have any tips on how to start a group?

When researching, I stumbled upon Irun Mommies and was wondering if anyone had any experience with them?

Any input would be greatly appericated.

I am very excited to get this group in motion...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tangent Tuesday: The Half Edition

This weekend I am running the Half at the Hamptons this weekend.  I am very excited for the race this weekend.  I have not run a half sense May 2010 so I am pumped.  This is a a little unique for me sense it is more of a training run for the marathon than a race.

Three Reasons I am excited about this race...

1.  We run along the beach and I find nothing more relaxing or peaceful than running along the water.  I have been missing running along the water due to all the snow so I am pumped to be back along the beach.

Even though it will probably look like this

2. I am wearing my new running skirt.  I just bought two skirt recently and I have fallen in love with them.  I have been running in them when on the treadmill but never outside.  This being New England in Winter I will be wearing tights or capris under it.

3.  The weather is suppose to be great this week well after today.  It is suppose to be in the 40s and 50s which is pretty amazing considering the weather have been having.  Though the  temps wont be that high on Sunday  it is suppose to be 30 and sunny.  I am very happy not to be running in temps in the 10s.

My goal for this race is 2:20.  Again this is more of a training run than  race so I need to stick with that pace.  Though it wont be a PR it would be about 12 minute improvement  from my last race so that is a plus.

Do you love racing?
Do you use them as training runs?
Where is your favorite place to run?

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Hot Valentine's Date

I wish I was cuddling on the couch watching TV with this guy:

or this guy

But the first guy is at class and the second guy is fast asleep in his crib.

So these two are my hot dates


Hope your Valentine's night is a little more exciting then mine!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So it has been a while since my last blog post.  I have been struggling this winter with running.  I could go with my various reasons/ excuses that I have not ran as much as should be and thus not much to blog about in the last couple of weeks but I wont.  Instead I will simply say that now everyone in the family is healthy again.  I am here and I am running.  I have some great blog posts and giveways coming.