About Me

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Half Fanatic

Since becoming a mother, I have become a planner.   I love lists, calendars and plans!   I realized as a mother especially a working and running mother everything just follows better with plans and schedule.  So I have started to plan my races and goals for next year.  My first goal is obviously to train and complete the Vermont City Marathon in May.  But since getting bitten by the running bug (again!) that is not enough for me and I have planned my challenge for the next half of the year.  And what better goal for the NEXT half of year goal then trying to become a Half Fanatic.  

The plan is the complete the Neptune Level by completing these 3 Half Marathons:
Salem Wicked Half Marathon September 24th 2011
Smuttynose HalfOctober 2nd 2011

I would love to add these 3 half Marathons to the schedule to complete the Uranus Level: ( However that would bring my race total to at least 11 and I am sure my bank account or husband would be too happy about it!!)

Lowell sun Half Marathon October 2011
Maine Coast Half Marathon November 2011

I am not if I have not been racing as much as used to or what I am so excited to get racing!! 
How far in advanced to you plan you races?  How many races to you typically do in a year?

1 comment:

  1. I would love to be a Half Fanatic, but I think I'm going to wait until Fall of 2011 to see if I can swing it. :) I joined Half2Run which isn't as hard core.
