About Me

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Where have you been all my life???

I have a new man in my life....

The foam roller!

I bought one of these a couple of days ago and wasnt so sure about it.  I have been having some hip tenderness/ pain lately and just been generally sore.  WOW!  I have been "rolling" for abour 20 mintues each day and my legs feel awesome!!

Do you use a foam roller?


  1. I love my foam roller. I use the one made by tptherapy.com You will notice that the normal foam rollers will not last if you use it daily but the tptherapy one lasts. I could not run without this vital piece of equipment.

  2. No but I need to get one. I use a stick but I know that they are a little bit different!

  3. Oh heck to the yes! I love my foam roller! It really helps to keep me feeling healthy. Congrats on your new love. ha. ;)

  4. I don't - but I hear it's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to get one I think!

  5. I have never used one of these but have heard so many great things about them. Glad to know you give it good reviews as well!

  6. I recently got one after using one in physical therapy. I need to get on a good schedule with it.

  7. I still need to get one. enjoy the foam rolling pain!

  8. oh my gosh, I love and loathe the foam roller. It hurts so good!! I only use the one at the gym (which is kinda gross, I know) but wish I had my own. One day soon!
